Morkesagn - Where The Darkness Never Ends

Morkesagn is a four piece band consisting of Ekvil - Guitar/vocal, Farn -Guitar/back vocal, Heydvald -Bass guitar, Heisenbeard-Drums. Genre described as Black metal. Band origin Ukraine.

Where The Darkness Never Ends album to be self released on November 30th 2015. A dark and captivating intro, a haunting guitar melody that leads into a destructive onslaught of black metal fury. The abyss is unleashed. The double bass kicks are thunderous and precise. There are a good amount of guitar solos that are complex and memorable. The tracks Heart of Darkness, Poison and Flame are epic and flow together perfectly. The song "Frost", is among my favorites, I played this one several times. Powerful and devastating. Killer verses and crushing blast beats add to the layers of brutality being experienced in this album. "Throne of Doom", contains a wicked malevolent beginning sure to turn your skin cold.

In conclusion, I enjoyed listening to this entire album. Every song contains its own character and structure. A powerful performance is captured. If you're looking to add a furious and intense black metal album to your collection this is the one you must get.



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