Featured Artist Jonathan Grimm exclusive interview

 1) Hello and welcome, please tell our readers a little about yourself? Where are you from? What is your current occupation?

I'm an independent freelance illustrator from Chicago, mostly focusing on dark fantasy and horror artwork. I work with bands, breweries, RPG companies, etc. and do my own tarot decks, art books, prints and such

2) When did your interest in drawing begin?

Oh ever since I was a small child, I've always drawn and been obsessed with art

3) Your style of art sometimes features dark and atmospheric themes, is there a point in time when that became your dominant form of art? If so, what band or artist inspired you first?

Honestly I've always been drawn to the darker side of artwork. Discovering reprints of old Tales from the Crypt and Haunt of Fear comics was a big step to that side. And just growing up in a household that loved horror movies, books, etc. A huge inspiration is and has always been Bernie Wrightson.

4) When exactly was the creation of your Art page, how has it helped by promoting your work?

I decided to give artwork a serious try as a job about 8 years ago or so.

5) How many bands have you done t-shirt/cd cover art for?

I'm not sure on the exact number but a bit over a hundred by now

6) Are you a self thought artist or did you have any teachers? As far as you remember in your early drawing stages have you notice a steady progression in your work? how has your art progressed since that time?

Self taught, I've always found I learn better through practice than instruction. If you work hard every day, you're bound to get better

7) Name some of  your most notable accomplishments? Any big bands that have used your work? Any projects or piece that made an impact?

Well I'm in the process of making my third tarot deck right now, each one having 80 seperate images, and thats a monstrous project to take on. Some of the bigger bands I've worked with are Left Lane Cruiser, 20 Watt Tombstone, Conan, but mostly small to mid sized groups to this point.

8) Name some of the places or blogs that have featured your artwork?

I do a lot of poster artwork for various midwest and southern promoters, mostly on the stoner doom side of things, Doomed and Stoned, etc. I've been in a few small mags and art books, podcasts and such.

9) What are your aspiration and goals 2024? What are your current projects?

Just to keep growing my business and helping other artists and bands get to the same place I am, being independantly employed by their art.

My last big project was the Hand of Doom tarot, a heavy metal tarot deck, currently I'm working on a sext dark fantasy fairy tarot deck, The FaeBound Tarot, which is a follow up to my first deck, The Bound tarot, which featured Demons and Angels. And I'm currently working with a partner to release a RPG based on the Hand of Doom and I'm currently in the midst of a big job from a small RPG company illustrating their book. Crazy busy right now.

10) If any bands/labels/zines etc.. want to get in contact with you, what is the best way to reach you?

JonathanGrimmart.com, JonathanGrimmArt@gmail.com, or through FB or Insta @JonathanGrimmArt 

11) Thanks so much for participating in my zine, the last lines are for you, any final thoughts?

Just that I'm pumped to see things like this. I've played for over 30 years, in and out of bands, so I love that my job lets me get to give back to the community by doing artwork for bands so they can make some extra cash and keep playing !


  1. Great interview.
    If you're into this kind of music, check out this band Bell Witch.


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