Samuele Casari exclusive interview

1) Hello and welcome to Metal Music News and Interviews. Our readers are excited to get to know you and your music. Could you give us a brief description of the project? Where are you from? Hello Metal Music New and Interviews, I'm happy to answer your questions! The project was born as an experiment, I found myself with ideas that I could hardly included in projects with my bands, so I decided to put myself into a solo song. I'm 29 years old and I'm from Modena, Italy 2) "Cloud" is the first full album. How long did it take to compose and record? The main theme of the song is from even 10 years ago, but obviously all the rest of the song is very recent. I composed this song at the end of 2021, then took a few months to try to understand if I was satisfied with it. June 2022 i was go to the studio and in 2 days we completed everything. It actually took me a short time to compose it, when I'm inspired I'm very fast. 3) What musical influences inspire th...