Cold Colours - Cold Colours
Cold Colours Release: 31 May 2013, through Sleaszy Rider Records. The band hails from Minneapolis and the mastermind behind the project Cold Colours is Brian J. Huebner. Live and studio performers: Aaron Lott, Chris Arnold, Will Maravelas. The first track from the album is Orifice, starts of with a clean strumming acoustic riff that has a BM feel to it - then when all the instruments kick in I instantly begin moving my head, like been caught in the rapture of its dark harmony, its a great song to open with. Up next, "Disgust", bands like Samael and Satyricon come to my mind as I listen. "The Process of Dying", starts with low guttural style of vocals followed by catchy and captivating composition, there are also deep rhythms with obscure passages for a few measures in the middle section, this has to be my favorite song so far. "This Devotion", drums are highlighted with thunderous double kick work, dual vocals clean and BM style blend nicely together. ...