Reality Grey - Define Redemption

Reality Grey is a five piece band from Italy. Members are Tommy - Vocals, Alex - Bass, Albo - Guitar, Anto - Guitar, Claudio - Drums. 

Define Redemption album released April 15th 2014 under Bakerteam Records. Their genre is described as Melodic Death Metal and Death Metal. The group started back in 2004 and have a previous "Darkest Days are Yet To Come" in 2006 and an EP "DAY ZERO" in 2008 by Razar Ice Records. 

The band has a solid background a have performed with acts like Deicide, Hatesphere, Municipal Waste, Sick of it All, Unearth and Malevolent Creation. Ascension Lapse is the opening track and it waste no time setting the ground for some brutal arrangements. The thing the grabs my attention right away is the quality in production. Clean and polished, heavy guitar tones and excellent quality of drums. The music is heavy and has catchy rhythm patterns. The song Rot of Nation gives the listener a good idea how impressive the drummer can be, tactical and accurate in his attack and delivery plus solid double kick work to make you want to punch things. The band does remind me of a group called Pissing Razors from the early 2000. Departed Designs is a track that captures the melodic aspects of this group, in essence brings together all the brutal parts and perfectly adds catchy harmonies in just the rights spots, this is my favorite track of the album. Burn The Sky is a song that brings to my mind early Fear Factory influence. Hypocrisy Breeds Hatred, a dismal intro leads into a slow moshing stomping riffs, and half way into it the throttle lets up enough to get you back into the pit. Finally we end out journey with the song "Define Redemption", I can envision the audience pumping their fist in the air to this track, assaulting drums and low bass drops follow with some melodies to round it all out.

In conclusion, a relentless devastating album that will have you headbanging from beginning to end. ~Artemortifica




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