Dark Salvation - Der Letzte Weg

The cover to this album is like an inferno in hell. Dark Salvation is melodic death metal band from Triesenberg, Liechtenstein. Right from the start, the feeling is that of an epic journey about to engage. "Tranenmeer"-More Tears- is the first song, production quality is perfect, achieving amazing levels of warm guitar, solid bass, crystal clear drums and excellent polished vocals. "Shatten" -Shadow- a great blend of harmonies, it also features a very interesting progressive style solo that mesmerizes the senses. I do hear a Amon Amarth influence on a few of these riffs, which is good because I do admire the style. "Eifersucht"  -Jealousy- the bass has some highlights on this track, since it is a great production, we get a clear understanding of all the notes and rhythms being expressed. "Lauf Der Zeit"-Expiry of the Time- a very melodic adventure taking place. "Nachtgeschrei" -Night Shouting- well executed arpeggios by the guitar players dominating this song, we get to hear the great level of expertise. "Blutrausch"-Blood Rushing- has got to be one of my favorite tracks from this album. The dynamics between all the instruments and sweet sounding solos make this song a very memorable one, and one that I will be spinning for a long time on my stereo. "Sekunden Meiner Macht"-Seconds Make My- harmonized riffs and an intriguing surprise that I was not expecting, beautifully expressed and paints a perfect landscape for the next song. "Pfad der Freiheit"- Path to Freedom- a creative riff starts this one and a welcomed ride, almost thrash metal style, progressing into something even more engaging laced with melodies and  brutal vocals. Overall I am very impressed by the entire album, I recommended for fans of melodic/thrash/death and even progressive metal- indeed the band covers a wide range of metal styles.

Dark Salvation official site
Dark Salvation Facebook


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