Korotory - Chapter III The Conquering

This will be the bands third full length album. As I crank this up on my stereo my attention is drawn by the bass lines and keys, its great to hear an album start out like this compare to the 100s of albums that begin with a high scream or growl which is getting old to me- this is a welcomed change. "Spineless" comes in, guitars are well executed. There are a mix of high, low, and thrash style vocals which sound awesome to me. I enjoy the fact that the bass (Brett Weatherston) is doing some very involved playing (solos and creative fills) his sound is clear and solid. The band started in 1995 and have two other albums out- Age of Rebellion 2009 and God Less America 2010. At times the music reminds me of early Exodus and sometimes Death. "Absolute Terror" has a thrash style to it along with grinding brutality on the drums, fast solos to create a mosh pitting atmosphere, makes you want to smash things.
"Sanctified" chunky aggressive vibes, I am enjoying the fact I can understand all the vocals, they stay aggressive but retain a certain clarity that makes it easy to experience the content without having to search for a lyric sheet. "Probing the Nether" an excellent journey being express through some bass and guitar, I have to say it is my favorite track. If you want to hear how progressive/diverse the band can be this will be the track to turn up. The band hails from Long Island, NY and have shared the stage with M.O.D.,Bloodclot, Exodus, D.R.I. and Suicide City to name a few. The last track is "Rise", solid drumming (Darren Markoff) and the bass doing equal progressions, it is a great thing to hear a rhythm section tearing it up in such a technical and proficient way. I recommend this album for fans of thrash/grind/ death metal along with technical aspects, be sure to also check out other releases by Korotory as well as any live performances in your town. 

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