Krypts - Unending Degradation

The album cover is great, fields of death and desolation come to mind. Krypts is DM band from Finland and got their start in 2008. They have previous releases "Open the Krypts' demo 2009 and "Krypts" EP 2011. Coming from an area that spawn Sentenced, Abhorrence and Rotten Sound to name a few, Krypts writes no nonsense death metal. Perpetual Beyond is the first song, it has some deep sounding bass lines which are perfect fitting for the bloody canvas that is being painted here. Blessed Entwinement introduces us the low guttural vocals of Antti Kotiranta (ex-The Beheading and Self Hate). Dormancy of the Ancients, reminds me of old Grave or Gorefest, is very impressive to hear how deep and brutal the vocals can get, this works very well as I can hear the instruments are tuned down low. 
Theirs first demo gained them much exposure through the underground world and this latest release shows how they have evolved as musicians both in playing and recording. Day of Reckoning is my favorite track from the disc, I enjoy the atmosphere created by the guitars, I do think the drum could be a bit more thought out, there are parts I hear that could use more drum dynamics. Beneath The Archaic, closes this album, with many aspects of old school DM apparent, it becomes an instant favorite for me since I grew up listening to this style. Fans of Gorefest, Sentenced, or maybe even Convulse should check this out, also give a listen to their other demo an EP.

Krypts Metal Archives


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