Miserere - Feature model #9 2/2013

Happy to introduce you all to Miserere, freelance alternative /Adult/artistic/ nude/fetish/ model located in Australia.

1- What inspired you to do modeling? Was there a point early in your life that sparked your interest?

I had always somewhat admired the idea of being a model growing up but never thought it was something I would end up doing. I've always been the extremely shy girl with no confidence. I actually didn't decide to model until I had quit school.. I am not sure what made me want to enough.. Honestly...maybe going through school I always felt unnoticed and ugly ..soo.. breaking out of my comfort zone by turning to modeling was my way of feeling "noticed" and "beautiful" like a new better improved person of myself.
Also the feeling of pushing yourself to do something you would never think you could achieve is a great feeling to have.

2- You have dark elements to your style, was there an event or moment that made you decide on your style?

Nothing that I can think of influenced it. Since I can remember even as a young child the darker style and side to life always caught my attention more.

3- Name some of your favorite music or bands?

Haha My music taste is all over the place and doesn't make sense at all.
I like music from the 60's 70s, 90s and some of the music around today including black metal, piano and acoustic.
It all depends on the song itself.

4- Name some of your accomplishments or highlights of your career so far?

I haven't really achieved anything special as of yet, I've kinda spent the past two years working on getting my own life and health together before I focus on any of that. Although being published in a few magazines is always pretty cool. : )

5- Do you enjoy regular photoshoots? or ones where you get to play a character?

Sadly its not often I have been able to do any photoshoots due to my health issues but when I do, I usually do enjoy it,
I'm never a different character other than myself. I prefer to be myself as much a possible.

6- What other interest do you have besides modeling?

Nothing special. Usually.. Spending time with my fiance, sometimes reading books, surfing the web, drawing and hand sewing.

7- Are there any significant projects or events you are looking forward to in the coming months?

Yes!! Indeed! I will be working on my new upcoming website witch I am super excited about : )

8- If someone is interested in hiring you (modeling agency, bands, producers, etc..) where is the best place to get a hold of you?

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