The Modern Age Slavery - Requiem for Us All

There is some amazing death metal coming out of Italy these days and The Modern Age of Slavery are at the forefront of this relentless onslaught of great music. Their debut album "Damned to Blindness" established them in the metal underground worldwide as a band with no boundaries and pure intensity. The new album "Requiem for Us All" is on Pavement Entertainment. The cover, a politician/priest chocking an innocent victim gives us a good idea of what we are expected to experience within. There are ten tracks and as you begin to listen, Stefano Bragnoli (Drums) comes in with blazing speed and brutality, you have to admire his skills, precise, technical, and relentless. "Obedience" has discorded arrangements on guitars that defy mental comprehension, like a mad musical genius twisting at your brain. The band has shared the stage with bands like Dying Fetus, Cannibal Corpse, Suicide Silence, Malevolent Creation and more. With this wealth of knowledge and experience you can hear it clearly applied on this album. The vocals have a mid-range growl the majority of the time, remind me of Lahmia or Bloodshot Dawn. "Opiate for The Masses is probably my favorite, grinding motion extreme, a great exhibition of intensity and accuracy for all the instruments on this song. "Slaves of Time" has to be my favorite, innovative playing style and different passages keep the listener intent on where the next arrangement will take them. The last track is a cover - Sepultura, "Arise" I never imaging this song could get more brutal or intense, well The Modern Age Slavery has done it, wow, very impressive indeed. I highly recommend this album for all true underground fiends of assaulting technical mosh inducing death metal. 

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