Intractable - Inner Decay

Death Thrash band Intractable released their full length album at the end of 2012. Inner Decay is an aggressive beast with heavy destructive guitar riffs. Formed in 2006 and roots from Sursee, Switzerland. They are a four piece band with many shows under belts, playing along side some big names such as Warbringer and Skeletonwitch. No Tomorrow, begins with tremendous assault and aggression, the vocals remind me of Gorefest style of lows. That's Me, an excellent bass line starts this one which is a pleasant surprise. Enslavement, ah now here we have some killer thrash style riffs that I really like, this song is my favorite so far. The New Belief, excellent lyric content, I do like the fact that I can understand everything the vocalist is saying, considering there are so many singers doing the growl style its hard to decipher what the songs are about, its the opposite here, vocals a clear and distinct. Social Parasite, here we get to experience the level of expertise the drummer has, there are some solid double kicks with precision brutality driving this song. Down, we start with a slam style riff that is sure to start many mosh pits around the world when it gets played for a live audience. Solve The Pain, a blend of splendid melodies start this track, very well done and they set up the aggression that will be unleashed in the riffs to come. The Leaders, grinding its way into our minds followed by pure adrenalin filled composition. Breaking The Strength of Mind, closes this album, it has been a great experience and felt every second of aggression as well as incredible musicianship. 

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