Purvaja - Dark Goddess Divine

Purvaja is a one man BM force from India. Having never heard any BM from that region of the world my ears are complete virgins to what its about to be experienced. This E.P. starts of with an interesting intro with some ghost like incantation. Next up "She who Devoured Raktabija" guitars are raw and clear, once the vocals start you begin to feel the BM influence on this track. Kali Tandav the start of this track has some really good drum samples happening, then build up into a Samael like style of riffs. I could only imaging the amount of hard work it took to accomplish this E.P. Rahul Das has a vast amount of creativity pouring out of his mind. Back in 2006 Rahul played in a full band and eventually wound up being the only man standing from the remnants of the project. You have to admire his conviction. The topics of lyrical content are on Vedic culture, Hindu Philosophy and mythology. Considering I never heard anything like that before it is a unique experience to me. "Dark Goddess Divine has lots of variety in it, you can hear some interesting compositions with BM infused to make it a song that stands on its own accord. Shava Sadhana takes you into a dark journey with some haunting vocals to guide you through this maze of eerie enchantment. "Worship Death" is a furious track, very heavy hitter to my ears, along with grinding fills on the drums.  The last track leave us with a feeling of wanting to get back into the black abyss closing before us. Fans of Indian BM be sure to get yourselves a copy of this intriguing journey of an album. The E.P. will be released in March under Sonic Blast Media please visit their site for the official release of this CD.

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