Asphyxiator band working on a new album.

Asphyxiator is a three piece brutal/death metal band from Chicago IL. Members are, Miguel "GoreGrinder" Medina- Vocals/Programming, Frank Garcia- Guitar, Rafael Diaz- Bass.

The band is currently composing and recording music for the album "Inhaling Fluids of Thoracentesis". All the art for the cover and backcover are completed. The album will consist of eleven plus tracks. They have released a two song sampler demo featuring the songs Hallucinogenic Cadaver Autopsy and Slamming Sexual Domination through their Bandcamp page available here. This past September they also released another song through Youtube, "Stench of Rotting Flesh" and is available here.

They are promoting through Facebook to reveal a brand new song, once they reach their goal of 2300 likes. You can go to their official FB page and show support by checking it out here . Recently guitarist Frank G. had this to say about the recording, "The writing process for the album is 90% complete. Half of the material is ready for vocals and bass bass lines and is moving along progressively". If you are interested in following their progress visit them on any of links above. Check out the album art from the pics below. ~Artemortifica



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