Praise The Sun Exclusive interview

Readers please give a warm welcome to Praise The Sun. This is their exclusive interview to the Zine.

1- Hello and welcome to Metal Music Midwest, first off, thanks for taking the time to do the interview, could you give our readers a brief description of the group?

Where is the band from?

Hi, thanks for having us!

Well, we are a metal band from Poland. In 2019 we released EP - The Art of Agony, and this is how it started.

2- The Proffer Of Light is the band's debut album, how long did it take to write?

Too long ;)

Yes, It's our first Full Album. Some of the songs and/or texts were written even a few years ago.

3- What musical influence inspires the bands compositions?

Hard to say, we like to hear people's thoughts on that, what's their associations - every person, different view.

4- The band started in 2020, can you tells us how did you all meet?

Long stories, too many parties to remember haha ;)

In fact, it all started with Daniel's (rhythm guitar) and Wojtek's (drums) cover band, later on, Mateusz (lead guitar) joined with an idea to start creating own songs.

A Few years passed and Konrad (bass) became the part of the band, as well. At the very end, Marcelina (vocal) fulfilled the squad.

5- The album title is The Proffer Of Light, can you give us details about the content and more in depth meaning to this title?

We feel like the title of the album  "The Proffer of Light" is deeply connected with the name of our band - Praise the Sun.

When it comes to the content of the album, some of the songs are already released, There is a possibility to listen to them on e.g. Spotify.

After listening to them, you should know what you can expect in September... more or less... ;)

6- Each member of this project is part of another band, how do you maintain a good balance working together?

Well, we supposed that it's not easy to maintain balance, but we will let you know once some of us start other projects ;)

7- Have you performed any shows in your area? If so, how receptive and supportive are the people to your music?

Yes, we played concerts in many cities in our country.

Feedback is good. We believe that people are having fun at our gigs, but for sure, we can tell that we are having the time of our lives.

8- Are there any upcoming shows or tours you can tell us about?

One of the nearest concerts will take place in Warsaw in VooDoo club (22th of July).

The rest, we can not tell anything yet, but something is coming.

9- Thanks for your participation, finally, what is the best way to get a hold of the band, in case someone wants to book or promote the band?

Any final words?

Thank you, one more time, for having us!

The best way is to follow us on our social media, there are all of the info of our upcoming concerts etc. and also how to get in touch with youtube-PraisetheSun

This is everything on our side, just - Praise the Sun!


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