Darker Than Fiction live performance photos WC Club 1-28-2023

 Greetings, today's post is showcasing the band Darker Than Fiction. Their performance last night at The WC Social Club West Chicago hosted by Savage Ladies of Metal. In support of Jungle Rot who are traveling out for their big performance at 70,000 Tons Of Metal annual heavy metal music festival that takes place on board a cruise ship. 

Co-Headliners Blood Of The Wolf and Burned In Effigy brought some epic performances as well for this event.

In harsh winter storm conditions many came to witness and support the bands. Necro productions provided sound and lights for the entirety of the event and the WC Social staff made sure everything ran smoothly.

Darker Than Fiction is describe via Metal Music Archives as "Darker Than Fiction is a metalcore band from Illinois."  

Below are photos I captured from their set. I also have some footage which I will add to this post in a later update. The camera I used here is Sony A6300 with Canon FD 50mm lens.

The venue itself is very big and there's plenty of room to move around. I was standing very close to the stage and glad for it because they got the mosh pit rolling right away. Be sure to support the band. I added their band link to the bottom of this post. ~Artemorbid

Visit the band at facebook-darkerthan2017
Visit Savage Ladies of Metal at savage-ladies-of-metal.business.site/


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