"SIPAPU" is Nicarus 3rd studio album, it is a split album starting with the "Stone Buddha" - heavier sounds, deep into the post-metal, doom, stoner and all that is harsh combining clean vocals and heavy growls, telling the story of the dark truths of humanity, as it is needing to go through in order to go up the spiral.

Many tribes around the world describe a place where souls come from the underworld to this one, the native people from north America of the Hopi tribe name it Sipapu - the hole in the ground from which the first peoples of this world entered. As they stepped outside of the sipapu, they changed from lizard-like beings into human forms.

"This album is a circular journey that was leading me back from the Sipapu to this world which I believe is true for all of us as we went through the late global events."

Blue Print 2 is starting the albums since none of it is really a start like none of it is really an end as we find out again while we are floating through the Golden Buddha side with calmer and more personal and magical pop to post-rock tunes that leads to the ending track - Blue Print 1 - staring with the sounds of ocean, birds and whales, this closes the album and lead us back to start, as the creation story.

Drums recorded in "Electrical Audio", ChicagoRecorded and mixed at the GreenLab of GreenMuzic, Israel


Website: www.talising.wixsaite.com/nicarus

Bandcamp: https://nicarus.bandcamp.com/

Facebook: facebook.com/ NicarusMusic

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNxotMQpHdqHYwl6lSYDxpw

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/6RFVoveiHCBOeHQPqfzbn7?si=OTF0kC0bTwGqaDb63AhVng

Instagram: tg_nicarus

Twitter: tg_nicarus

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