Biomimic - Exogenous Embryonic Empire EP

Self released May 7th 2013. Biomimic hails from Chicago IL and members consist of 
Scott Vyper - Vocals, Keys , Zackulus Clinkman - Bass , Max Voloshin - Guitars , Joe Korkis - Drums , Alexander Kon-I Ho - Guitars. Exogenous Embryonic Empire EP is three tracks. 

First up is Hollow Earth, my first impression is "great guitar sound", noticing different elements as I listen, drums in particular are complex and full of dynamics, vocals have several ranges from low to mid to clean and this is only the first track. Really enjoying the solo and clean guitar towards the end of this composition, its well fitting and interesting to my ears. Reptilian Intellect, is track two. Brutal start, furious drums attacking my senses. Memorable verse riff with dual vocals into an alien like voice. I hear many metal styles, but they do it in such a way to keep me interested on what will come next. I also have to say the vocal phrases at times have a black metal tinge to them, well done, this track is also worth cranking up on your stereo. Double Helix, ah yes- I am familiar with this particular song. I had the privilege of listening and filming this song live and actually impressed me the very first time I experienced it. Very pleasing to hear the recording of it here. There are some solid and complex guitar arrangements that captivate the listener, a long journey of composition with many layers of intricacy. Its probably my favorite track from this EP. If I had to compare Biomimic to other bands I would say Illogist, Gorod or Gigan come to my mind, fans of these bands would definitely enjoy this EP, but I recommend it to all metal fans world wide. There is something in each song that will capture your imagination no matter what style you are into. 


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