Cerebral Agony Zine 1 and 2 summary plus video

Cerebral Agony is an art, fiction, photography and poetry zine from the editor and publisher of Autoeroticasphyxium.
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Issue 1 featuring submissions by Jesse Abundis, Kelvin VA Allison, Jezibell Anat, Anthony Begnal, Winston Blakely, Rob Burns, Kaya Chaos, M Teresa Clayton, Lioness DeWinter, Laura Petellat-Entwisle, Skitz J. Fitch, Abyss Forgottentomb, Eric Forsberg, Lola Forsberg, Frank Garcia, Isis Graywood, Peter Hall, Jonathan Hawk, Johnny Hellion, Alexander Kautz, Jerry Langdon, Armand Madji, Lush Montana, Sarah McKellar, Andrea Norton, Rich Orth, Steven Michael Pape, Goddess Rosemary Sahjaza, Illyriah Sahjaza, Tara Sallis, Twiggy Thunderstorm, Teddy Whittenbarger and Joseph Zuchowski

Issue 2 Jesse Abundis, Kelvin VA Allison, Jezibell Anat, Jillanna Babb, Winston Blakely, Rob Burns, M Teresa Clayton, Damion Darkheart, Lioness DeWinter, Skitz J. Fitch, Abyss Forgottentomb, Eric Forsberg, Lola Forsberg, Fury, Frank Garcia, Peter Hall, Jonathan Hawk, Johnny Hellion, Alexander Kautz, James Ward Kirk, Charlie JJ Kruger, Jerry Langdon, Alan Lisanti, Armand Madji, Nikki Marshall, Lush Montana, Rich Orth, Steven Michael Pape, Laura Petellat-Entwisle, Goddess Rosemary, Corvo Obsidian Sahjaza, Stormy Sahjaza, Sybelle Silverphoenix, Twiggy Thunderstorm, Teddy Whittenbarger, Jonathan Zuchowski.

Here is a review of issue 1 Review by Jerry Langdon;
Loads of brilliant art, photography, poetry and stories. The art from Abyss Forgottentomb is always a joy to see. Her Surrealistic Mythological art is like no other. Thanks Frank Garcia for reminding me of the Nightmares I don't want to have. American Demonology from Isis Graywood also a great piece. The art from Twiggy Thunderstorm raged into my eye the most. The Retro patterns that weave a darkness and light into one grand illusion was simply awesome. I enjoyed every word spun in the Poetry. What captivated me most was Venom by Abyss Forgottentomb again with Mythology. The great words of Rich Orth, especially Cauterized by prayer. Occupy this by Kaya Chaos left me thinking. My personal favorite was If God were a Fucker! from Eric Forsberg only question is If?!

Visit to obtain a copy at this link 


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