Escarnium - Godless Shrine Of Decay

Escarnium is a five piece band consisting of Victor Elian (Guitars/Vocals), Maurício Souza (Guitars) , Vitor Giovanni (Bass), Nestor Carrera (Drums). Genre described as death metal. Band origin Salvador Brasil.

Godless Shrine Of Decay album released on Redefining Darkness Records November 20, 2015. Well, somehow I missed this one, but I found it digging through my email. Glad I searched, plus writing stuff down helps. The production on this release is excellent. The drums are solid and devastating. Heavy guitars and crushing vocals. The spirit of the old d/m lives here. The raw punishing riffs are clear and it is easy to find yourself headbanging from moment to moment. So much metal in one place, sixteen songs to be exact, you are bound to find something to like. Solos are catchy, fast and well thought out. The song Human Waste in particular has a memorable solo. The track "Excruciating Existence", is worthy of bringing walls down. The drum attack never lets up and you can feel the aggression in every riffs. Think of bands like Suffocation, Malevolent Creation, Immolation and Brutal Truth. 

In conclusion, a bombardment of metal like no other. If you like your metal crushing, raw, with devastating drum attack, then this release would be right up your alley. 



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