Mussorgski - Creatio Cosmicam Beastie

Mussorgski is a one piece band consisting of Khorzon. Genre described as stellar ambient metal. Band origin Poland.

Creatio Cosmicam Beastie album to be released on Godz ov War / Third Eye Temple February 2016. Deep from the darkest corner of the underground comes this menacing opus of oppressed music. What is immediately apparent, is the synth and keyboards coming at you with clever and haunting melodies. One of the tracks that gives you the feeling of traveling through the vastness of space is "Implanted Consciousness", a great song with complex arrangements. "Key To The Universe is another gem worth investigating, interesting drum fills and gothic like vocals. In all eight tracks the most stand out to me would be "Paradisum", the main harmony is captivating and really grabbed my attention. It is haunting and will send shivers down your spine.

In conclusion, not your typical ambient metal. Endless blastbeats and some eloborate synth work with creative melodies, it is worth adding to your collection.



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