Raventale - Dark Substance Of Dharma

Raventale is a five piece band consisting of Astaroth Merc - guitars. Morthvarg Scar - guitars, voice. Athamas - bass, voice. Grim Me - keyboards. Khaoth - drums. Genre described as Atmospheric Blackened Metal. Band origin Kiev, Ukraine.

Dark Substance Of Dharma album released on October 5, 2015 Solitude Production. Prepare to have your face melted. The band is a force to reckoned with. Seven devastating songs of pure B/M metal that seemed to have come straight from the abyss. Excellent production of this recording. All the instruments are well balanced and the music comes through in perfect sonic perception. So, not just your standard blast beats and high vocals. These are well thought out compositions, the the track "Red Laugh’s Walking", the chorus line is catchy and you find yourself moving you head frequently as the melody penetrates your brain. "I Am The Black Tara", gets the blood pumping and is reminiscent of old Mayhem, Satyricon and Samael. The title track "Dark Substance Of Dharma", brings all the elements together for me. the powerful rhythms, catchy choruses, strong drum attack and demonic vocals really bring things to the next level. 

In conclusion, punishing, evil and malevolent album. If you love the true underground black metal, then you should add this to your collection, you will not be disappointed.



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